This flower-geek post is going to be about something similar: spring wildflowers that confuse me every year: Bloodroot, Hepatica, Spring Beauties, and False Rue Anemone.
They're all spring ephemerals--they appear in the spring, and then die completely back by summer. And they all have small, simple white flowers. And I always mix them up! This bugs me.
As a word person, I like to know the right word for everything. I think I've finally got these flowers figured out.
I wasn't sure I'd see ANY wildflowers when I went over to Palisades-Kepler State Park this week. Our winter was so long and cold that I didn't know if the flowers would be up.
But look what was there to greet me at the start of the trail! Pants!
As in Dutchman's Breeches! They are probably my favorite spring wildflower, mostly because of the name. Once you know the name, there's no way you can see these comical flowers--that look like starched white bloomers hanging crotch-up from a stem--and not laugh.
But these don't confuse me.
Here are the confusing ones, and I'll explain how I figured out how to tell them apart.
This is Bloodroot. Its white flowers are usually a bit bigger than the others', and they stand on taller stems. The stamens are conspicuous and yellow. The tell-tale sign that they're bloodroot is the deeply-lobed leaf that's usually curled around the stem.
Apparently, they also have orangy roots, but I'm not going to pull any up to see.
Next comes Hepatica, above. This one's tricky because the best way to identify it is by the three-lobed, mottled leaves. Sometimes the leaves are underneath the leaf litter in the woods. Hepatica are sometimes called Liverwort (what a great word--but not very pretty!) because, like our livers, the leaves have 3 lobes.
Hepatica can sometimes be pale purple as well, which makes it look like
Spring Beauties! You can be sure that you're seeing spring beauties--not Hepatica--if the plant has long, thin grass-like leaves. But Hepatica always likes shade, and Spring Beauties sometimes bloom in the sun. Kind of like
This little flower, which was just coming into bloom when I was walking. It's a False Rue Anemone, and it has delicate little leaves that come off of the stem. Sometimes it can be quite large later in the spring.
I saw some other less-confusing flowers on this trip, too, like this Wake-robin with a bud about to flower.
And some Wild Oats, also about to flower.
Hope you also get out to see the spring wildflowers--and that you don't get confused!