Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Elsie Homecoming

Luckily I didn't have to tutor today. Otherwise I wouldn't have caught Elsie.

Unlike yesterday, when she was waiting in the neighbor's yard when I arrived, she didn't come right away today, probably because there was a tree-trimming truck making lots of noise on the street. But she eventually came and ate stinky canned food. I tried putting it into the cat carrier--just to get her used to it. She would put her head in, but wouldn't go much farther.  And then she sat just out of reach and bathed.

I kept talking to her and urging her to come over so I could brush her or pet her. Eventually the truck left, and she came over. She was scratching at her ears, so I scratched her back and neck, and she meowed and purred, rubbing around my legs.

I figured: why not? So I gently picked her up and plopped her into the carrier, which I'd stood on end. Only had to scruff her very briefly! After I latched the door, I started shaking. I couldn't believe I'd finally gotten her.

So now she's home! I kept her in the carrier for about 45 minutes, while I sat next to her (I was talking on the phone). She went from meowing anxiously to sitting quietly and occasionally purring.  I sprayed Feliway around, and filled up her dishes with food and water.

Just let her out, and she quietly walked around, then went into the basement. It might take her a while to reemerge, but that's OK. At least she's home, almost exactly 3 months after she got away.

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